AWESOME Deal on the 3DS and iPod Touch at Target!

If you still haven’t picked up the 3DS or iPod Touch on your list, check out this deal!

The iPod touch is on sale for $195 PLUS you get a FREE $25 gift card. Click here to print off a coupon for 10% off the iPod touch, which will bring your total down to $175.50 plus the $25 gift card. Click here to print off your coupon for a free $10 gift card when you spend $50. AWESOME! Use your red card to save an extra 5%!

The 3DS is on sale for $169.99, plus you get a $50 gift card. Again, click here to bring along your $10 off your $50 purchase coupon and you’ll be down to $109.99 if you include your gift cards.


Thanks Totally Target!

Alicia :-)

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