Mother’s Day is this weekend, don’t forget to do something really nice for mom (or your wife, or yourself)!
A Local Dines gift certificate is the perfect Mother’s Day gift. Your mother will be able to choose from 80 of the best restaurants in town like Pomo Pizzeria, Parc Central, Caffe Boa, Calistro, Eddie’s House, Over Easy, Humble Pie, Taberna Mexicana, and many more!
Now to the best part…Local Dines gave me 50 gift cards to give away to Alicia’s Deals in AZ subscribers! Once you see how easy it is to save half at the best, local restaurants in town, I bet you’ll be hooked. 50 winners (your chances of winning are HUGE) will win a $10 Local Dines gift card, worth $20 to the most delicious places in town. I’m so excited they gave $1000 worth of food and drinks. I think they realize how wonderful (and smart) Alicia’s Deals in AZ subscribers are!
To enter: “Like” Alicia’s Deals in AZ on Facebook at and “like” or comment on the post talking about the contest.
For a second entry, send an e-mail to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to receive a daily Alicia’s Deals in AZ E-mail with all of the deals I find. I promise to never sell your e-mail to anyone, if fact, I’m the only one who will ever see it! If you’re already on the e-mail list, you’ll automatically get a second entry.
I’ll draw 50 winners on Saturday afternoon…just in time to get to Mom! 🙂
Good luck!
Never miss a deal! “Like” Alicia’s Deals in AZ on Facebook at and get a daily Alicia’s Deals in AZ e-mail by sending a message to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Live life better for less!